Vietnamese Hoisin Sauce

Vietnamese Hoisin Sauce is a sauce that is mostly used as an ingredient in making other sauces or added to dishes with other sauces.
Click on Vietnamese Hoisin Sauce hyperlink below for a printable version of the recipe.
Vietnamese Hoisin Sauce
4 tablespoons Sweet Soy Sauce
2 tablespoons Black Bean paste
1 tablespoon Molasses
2 teaspoons white Vinegar
2 teaspoons dark Sesame Seed Oil
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/8 teaspoon Rooster Sauce
1/8 teaspoon fresh ground Black Pepper
Add sweet soy sauce, black bean, molasses, vinegar, garlic powder, sesame seed oil and fresh ground black pepper and mix. It will take some extra time to mix well.
Now Now you need to add rooster sauce or hot chili sauce sparingly to the mixture (it is 100 times hotter than the regular sauce, so make sure that you use it real sparingly).
Measure approximately 20 drops which is 1/8 teaspoon and add it to the mixture. Stir the mixture.
The Vietnamese Hoisin sauce is ready now!
{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
Thank you for showing the world how to make this sauce homemade! I love this sauce and I wanted to know how to make this sauce for using it to make general tso’s chicken (chinese recipe) … I hate having to rely on store bought sauces! I like to make things from scratch all the time…Phad thai sauce is another thing I am grateful for learning how to make from scratch! Thank you very much Mrs. Werst.
Using this tonight for pork lettuce wraps
Fantastic! Please let me know what you think….enjoy!
This is it. Now I am gonna go to Vietnam and marry myself a Vietnamese wife. These Norwegian girls in Norway do not know how to cook food. Norwegian girls know how to look sexy but not cook food.
Hi Ramona,
I’m looking to recreate the thickness of Lee Kum See brand hoisin. I’ve tried several recipes I’ve found online, but none are thick like the store bought hoisin. I use it by the 5lb can and would like to make it myself. Would you have any suggestions on how to replicate the creamy thickness they manage to make?
This is a link to the brand I’m referring to.
Thank you for your interest in my Vietnamese Hoisin Sauce. I’m sorry but I’m not familiar with Lee Kum Kee Hoisin Sauce…but if it were a guess the ground soy beans could thicken the sauce….you might try a little corn starch mixed with the molasses and heated until thickened in my recipe…
I’m sorry I’m not much more help…
I live in a small town in middle Tennessee and I have a hard time getting some of the ingredients here. Can I use the hoisin sauce at the store or is Vietnamese Hoisin Sauce different than the hoisin sauce at the local Walmart? AND what is Rooster Sauce. Thank you for all your great looking and tasting recipes. I want to try them and want to make sure I’m using the correct ingredients.
You can use store bought, but once you make the sauces at home from scratch, then you will never buy in a store again. Very fresh and delicious made from scratch. Rooster sauce is Sriracha Sauce…Fresno Peppers are hard to find, but when they are in season they are in the produce section near Jalapeños.
Thank for the quick reply! I know what Sriracha Sauce is! Keep in the frig at all times!!! I’lll let you know how my Pho turns out when I make it. Thanks again!
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