Vietnamese Sauce Recipes

I have started to learn all about as many sauces as I can and how to prepare them from scratch. I have also found you can purchase a few sauces from major grocery stores with Asian or international sections…..but I’m on a quest and that is leading me to make the sauces from scratch.
It isn’t hard to prepare the sauce at all. But a cook can’t pour sauce directly from the bottle into the bowl to make it become the sauce. Sauce must be mixed with other spices such as garlic, chiles, sugar to get the specific flavor. According to the individual tastes, some people like sour food but others like hot ones, some like vinegar while others prefer lemon. So the sauce has a lot of variations, the recipe isn’t always the same and it depends a lot on the preparer’s skill.
Here are some recipes that I have created for my new Vietnamese Cuisine:
Light Vietnamese Dipping Sauce
Vietnamese Ginger Sweet Soy Sauce
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