Roasting Peanuts

Roasting Peanuts is simple. But, taking the skin off the peanut is time consuming. You don’t want to get the peanuts that have the skins removed because these usually have salt or sugar added to them. You don’t want to wash the skins off the peanuts because this will remove some of the oil. So, I have no easy way of telling you that you need to sit and peel off the skin from each little individual peanut!
You can download and print a copy of the recipe by clicking on the hyperlink below:
Roasting Peanuts
1 cup raw Peanuts, skinned
Take a cup of raw peanuts, peel the skin of them and put them in a bowl. This can be substituted by roasted peanuts available in the grocery stores; however, they are not flavorful. Try to peel from the flat part of the shell so that you can peel the peanut easier.
Bake the peeled peanuts at 325°F for about 20 minutes. Shake up the peanuts every 10 minutes until roasted slightly brown.
Take out the roasted peanuts from the oven. Place in a food processor and pulse just for a second or two until coarsely chopped. You can use this as a garnish for any dish, soups and many more.
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Hello! I came upon your site on youtube. I was looking at recipes for honey roasted peanuts. And I happened to click on your “Roasted Peanuts” I was wondering if you have any recipes on how to make honey roasted peanuts? I know it has nothing to do with basil… I have been somewhat researching online and have tried several recipes, but what comes out looks more like a peanut brittle type. And I don’t want that. I have seen homemade honey roasted peanuts that people make from home and leave at the Vietnamese grocery market to sell. They are individually covered with sugar and are not clumped together at all. Kind of like what you would find in Plantars honey roated peanuts. My mom had asked me if I know how to make those peanuts since I have made peanut brittle before. She wants the individually covered kind. I have had no luck and have no idea. I am hoping you can help me? Maybe you can experiment something like honey roasted peanuts with a hint of basil? Btw, I love your bobcat!
I don’t have a recipe, but I will be on the lookout and will try to find one….thank you for coming to my site! 😉
Thanks Ramona! This is what I was looking for to ma our own pork and shrimp ɓǔn ca᷉!